Frequently asked questions

What do I get with my package?

Training Plan

Nutrition Plan

Online Tracker

Regular Check-Ins

How many times do I need to train per week?

You will train 4 times per week.

Can I set the time I workout?

Yes. Make this non-negotiable to create a routine and increase your chances of success.

How long will each workout last?

Approx. 45 - 60 mins.

What equipment do I need?

No equipment is needed but if you do have dumbbells or resistance bands, there are plans that include these.

What should I expect?

You should expect it to be challenging but enjoyable. The closer you stick to the plan, the easier it will be to see results.

Is diet important when exercising?

Yes! Diet is important whatever your goal is as eating correctly affects mood, recovery from training and gives you the energy for training. It is also used to control blood sugar levels, cholesterol and hormones.

What if I can’t do the exercise?

Contact me for an alternative.

What happens during each workout?

Each workout consists of 5-6 exercises. You will need to do the number of reps set of each move, and do this 3-4 times. Make sure to warm up and cool down after each session to prevent injuries and help you recover from each training session.

What type of physical activity will I be doing during each session?

Resistance training.

This helps improve metabolism, muscle strength and slows the aging process.

How long will it take to see results from my programme?

You will see results in the first 6 weeks of training. This could be weight loss, muscle gain or as simple as improved mindset.

What kind of support do I get?

Weekly check-ins where I will check your tracker and make changes where necessary. You will also have the support and encouragement of others during the your fitness journey as part of the whatsapp group.

What should I do if an exercise doesn’t feel right?

Exercises might be difficult or unnatural to start with as you won’t be used to them. Stop if any exercise feels painful. Try the other exercises in the workout. If pain persists stop and contact me.

Where should I train?

Train in a safe location with space to move and make sure there are no obstructions so no injuries occur.

What should I wear?

Comfortable sports clothes and trainers.

What do I do if I struggle to perform an exercise?

If you are struggling with the technique of a certain exercise, be sure to let me know. You can send me a video of you performing the exercise and I will give you feedback. If you still struggle I’ll substitute it for another exercise.

Do I need to purchase any equipment?

The only items you will need to buy if you do not already own, is a set of scales for you to weight yourself, food scales for weighing your food or a measuring cup for portion control.

Is there an option to upgrade after the 8 week challenge?

Yes! If you are interested in this please contact me and we can take the next steps

How do I contact you?

Contact me via email: Please allow for up to 24 hours for a reply and 48 hours at the weekend.